Johns Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Church

About Us

African Methodist Episcopal Church (AMEC)

The African Methodist Episcopal Church (AMEC) has a unique history in that it is the first major religious denomination in the Western World that had its origin over sociological rather than theological beliefs and differences, and the first African-American organized and incorporated denomination in the US.  The AMEC grew out of the Free African Society (FAS) which Richard Allen, Absalom Jones, and others established in Philadelphia in 1787. The church was organized by African-American members of St. George's Methodist Episcopal Church. The incident that led to this was the removal of Absalom Jones (1746-1818) from St. George's by the trustees while he was in the act of prayer. The congregation supported the act of the trustees, and Allen and Jones led the African-American members out of St. George's as a body. Allen went on to form the Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church in 1793. In general, they adopted the doctrines and form of. In 1794 Bethel AME was dedicated with Allen as pastor. To establish Bethel's independence from interfering white Methodists, Allen, a former Delaware slave, successfully sued in the Pennsylvania courts in 1807 and 1815 for the right of his congregation to exist as an independent institution. Because black Methodists in other middle Atlantic communities encountered racism and desired religious autonomy, Allen called them to meet in Philadelphia to form a new Wesleyan denomination, the AME. government of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Jones affiliated with the Protestant Episcopal Church and would go on to become the first African-American priest in the Episcopal Church.

The Mission of the African Methodist Episcopal Church is to minister to the spiritual, intellectual, physical, emotional, and environmental needs of all people by spreading Christ's liberating gospel through word and deed. At every level of the Connection and in every local church, the African Methodist Episcopal Church shall engage in carrying out the spirit of the original Free African Society, out of which the A.M.E. Church evolved: that is, to seek out and save the lost, and serve the needy through a continuing program of (1) preaching the gospel, (2) feeding the hungry, (3) clothing the naked, (4) housing the homeless, (5) cheering the fallen, (6) providing jobs for the jobless, (7) administering to the needs of those in prisons, hospitals, nursing homes, asylums and mental institutions, senior citizens' homes; caring for the sick, the shut-in, the mentally and socially disturbed, and (8) encouraging thrift and economic advancement.

Johns Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Church

Founded in 1889

Historical Highlights - 133nd Church Anniversary

May 15, 2022

Enterprise was a forest and farm area with a total population of less that 400.  Three of those farms were owned by Blacks: the Fleming, Grant, and Johns families.  

The first church organized in the area was New Zion AME Church, which is located in present day Coppinville Community off Highway 84.  Meetings were held on the Grant property from 1883-1889. In 1889, a Quarterly Conference held at New Zion granted permission to some members of New Zion to withdraw for the purpose of forming a new A.M.E. congregation nearer to their residence on what was then and is now Geneva Road (Highway).  Members of the Johns Family were in the group authorized to organize a new church.  The Johns family invited those members that left to meet on their property.  Jason "Jake" Johns gave two acres for the new congregation, which began the creation of   

Johns Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Church

All AME churches in those early years were in the Alabama Annual Conference.  Johns Chapel was accepted by the conference in 1889 and made part of the circuit. The first pastor was Rev. W.L. Lewis; and Rev. S. Griffin, and the Rev. Hillard succeeded him.  The South Alabama Annual Conference was organized at Johns Chapel in 1914 with Rev. W. M. Pyles as Pastor and Rt. Reverend J.H. Jones as Bishop.

The first building was destroyed by fire. The second building was destroyed by a storm.

The third building lasted through four pastors. The members expressed their desire for a brick building. Construction of a brick building began in 1922 and the final cornerstone was laid in 1928. Many modern upgrades from several pastors were added to Johns Chapel between 1920-1982.  Reverend Roy Peters came to Johns Chapel in 1978.  In 1982, the church building was completely destroyed by fire.  Reverend Peters had a vision of the church building being large enough to serve the people of Enterprise and the Wiregrass Area.   One of the many things the members wanted for Johns Chapel was a basement.  However, members were told that Johns Chapel sits right on top of a lake that passes under the highway.

The sanctuary's seating capacity was estimated to be 500, with a full fellowship hall and kitchen, office space, classrooms, a library, Sunday School rooms, conference room, a small chapel, and multi-purpose rooms on the two floors of the building.  Due to Rev. Peter's failing health, he retired after having a stroke while working on the church.  He never preached in the sanctuary he designed. However, his funeral was held in the church sanctuary in 1987 as a tribute to him. Of greater note than the improvements and renovations of the physical building and grounds, pastors have led the members to higher heights spiritually and numerically.  

After Bishop James L. Davis was appointed to the 9th Episcopal District (State of Alabama) in 2008, he reorganized the conferences, and Johns Chapel is now assigned to the Southeast Alabama Conference, Ozark Troy District, The Reverend Cleophas A. Guice, Sr., Presiding Elder (assigned September 20, 2014).  Presiding Elder Guice also served as pastor of Johns Chapel from 1992-1997 and led the church in a Jubilee Season with many advances in the congregation, both spiritual and temporal.

Our current Presiding Elder of the Ozark Troy District is Dr. Willie Eugene Marshall, a candidate for the Office of Bishop in the AME Church and a proven, dynamic leader in our Zion. Our current Presiding Prelate is Bishop Harry L. Seawright, who was appointed to the 9th Episcopal District in 2016 after his historic election on the first ballot at the General Conference in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  Bishop Seawright has led the 9th District to continue as a beacon in the Community as he personifies the District's motto: "Encouraging, Empowering and Enabling the People of God!"  Bishop Seawright has a passion for providing relevant training and tools for congregations and individuals in the community to enjoy the prosperity that God plans for His people …to give them a "hope and a future." (Jeremiah 29: 11). Bishop Seawright, the 133rd Elected and Consecrated Bishop of the AME Church, was the Guest Preacher at the 133rd Church Anniversary of Johns Chapel on Sunday, May 15, 2022.  Anniversary Theme:  "Celebrating the Legacy of Living, Loving and Serving Together in Unity" Psalms 133: 1.

The church family strongly feels that God has smiled on Johns Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Church down through the years. Over 30 pastors have served at Johns Chapel, with Reverend J. F. McCloud serving the longest tenure of 12 years.  The current pastor, The Reverend Willie White, Jr.,  was appointed November 3, 2018 and oversees some 30 ministries in the church.  Pastor White is focused on bringing the members of the Body of Christ together and then leading them to greater heights.  He is consistently positive and leads by the example of Christ.  He has a constant smile an encouraging word, and wants to keep the Church vibrant, fun and effective.  He has a particular love for youth and is a Spiritually charismatic leader who has a goal of leading Johns Chapel to be all that God intends her to be. He takes advantage of all available methods to win souls to Christ, e.g., traditional evangelism methods such as personal contact, class leader system, etc., as well as social media, texts, and e-mails. At this writing, 3-1/2 months since his appointment, the church has grown by leaps and bounds in Spirituality and Unity, as well as Numerically in new members and guests.  Since his arrival, the church has purchased a 24-passenger bus, completed extensive ceiling repair in the sanctuary, led in the establishment of a community park on the church's adjacent property to be used mainly by youth in the community, initiated several new and productive ministries, established on-line giving opportunities, as well as many other accomplishments in the name of the Lord. Under Pastor White's, leadership, a book scholarship has been established in memory of Sister Carolyn Cummings, former Women's Missionary Society President and Young People's Division Director on the Episcopal and South/Southeast Conference levels, serving in all offices with excellence as a champion of children and a friend of Johns Chapel.  The first award will be presented in the upcoming academic year for high school graduate.

In the past, Church Anniversary Celebrations have focused on the art of Storytelling, singing, bonding of generations, and sharing our history with our children, ensuring that it is passed down to future generations.  At this writing, many of those celebration venues & events were curtailed due to the Coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic, a virus that has caused unprecedented worldwide disruption, illness, and thousands of deaths.  Due to restrictive mandates to slow the spread of the virus, the congregation did not gather in the sanctuary for worship from Sunday, March 22, 2020 until it reopened on November 1, 2020, observing established health directives.  Pastor White incorporated alternative methods of worship and fellowship via conference calls, parking lot worship, etc. in order to keep the congregation focused on God our Father, Christ our Redeemer, The Holy Spirit our Comforter, and Mankind our Family.  His sermons have focused on reminding the congregation to pray without ceasing and "remain faithful in a dark place," while looking forward to God's deliverance in His time.  

For the 131st Anniversary Service in cars in the Church parking lot, Pastor White's sermon title and text were:

"THIS TOO SHALL PASS" - Deuteronomy 28:1

And it shall come to pass if thou shall hearken diligently unto the voice of the Lord thy God, to observe and to do all his commandments which I command thee this day that the Lord thy God will set thee on high above all nations of the earth.

As members celebrate their 133rd church anniversary, they reflect upon God's protection as the Coronavirus continues, but with a profound decrease in illness and deaths.  God has blessed us with vaccines and a greater understanding of how to survive the virus.  After much prayer and preparation, the congregation returned to the sanctuary on November 1, 2020, eight months after beginning worship in the church's parking lot.  Pastor White continued to pray and petition God to heal the land, as he continued to deliver messages of hope with a theme of "Faith Over Fear" during the Pandemic.  With the restrictions on face-to-face gatherings, the church learned to worship, hold meetings and fellowship using online media:  the internet, FaceBook, and other virtual platforms, including Zoom and others. Even after returning to worship in the sanctuary, members and guests still have the option to worship in their vehicles in the parking lot via online platforms as well as via a local FM radio broadcast.  

During these unprecedented hardships, the church was blessed Spiritually, physically, and financially, and still maintained their outreach ministries, care of those in need, building upkeep, training and seminars and even established a new ministry:  Digital Disciples.  On May 4, 2021, Bishop Harry Lee Seawright, Presiding Prelate of the 9th Episcopal District, and Dr. Willie Eugene Marshall, Presiding Elder of the Ozark-Troy District, joined Pastor White, members and civic officials in the Groundbreaking Ceremony of the Johns Chapel Family Park.  The park will be used by members of the community, especially youth in the neighborhoods near the church. As of this writing, the park's basketball court is well underway with other features on the horizon.

The members look forward to many more years of serving God as a Congregation at this blessed location that has been consecrated and dedicated to God.  

To God be the Glory!


Three Pastors Who Served Prior to church entering the South Alabama Conference:

Reverend W. L. Lewis (First Pastor)

Reverend S. Griffin

Reverend Hillard

1914 -    W. M. Pyles (Host - South Alabama Conference was organized at Johns Chapel)

1914-1916  J.S. King

1916-1917  T.J. Steward

1917-1921 H.T. Coleman

1921-1924 A. A. Davis

1924-1927 W. H. Hightower

1927-1930 W. D. Hargrove

1930-1931 M. C. Miles

1931-1932 R. W. Hilson

1932-1934 M. G. Dickerson

1934-1936 J. C. Jarrett

1936   W. B. Mosley

1938   R.L. Upshaw

1940-1946 M. C. Crosky

1946-1948 H. T. Coleman

1948-1949 N. J. Hunt

1949-1954 E. H. Patterson

1954 H. T. Coleman

1954-1956 S. D. Parker

1956-1966 E. V. Burkett

1966-1978 J. F. McCloud

1978-1986 R. E. Peters

1987-1988 R. G. Balthrope

1988-1990 G. W. Curry

1990-1992 Walter Sumlin

1992-1997 C. A Guice

1997-2003 T. W. Parker

2003-2005 Carl McDaniel

2005-2009 Tony C. Scott

2009-2014  Vernon McLeod

2014   Andrew T. Holtz, Jr. (Interim)

2014-2018  Trevor E. Woolridge

2018- Present  Willie White, Jr.

Compiled from previous documents and updated as of May 15, 2022 by Marge Simmons, Christian Education Director

e name of the Lord.

Through the years, Church Anniversary Celebrations have focused on the art of Storytelling, singing, bonding of generations, and sharing our history with our children, ensuring that it is passed down to future generations. At this writing, many of those celebration venues & events cannot be experienced due to the Coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic, a virus that has caused unprecedented worldwide disruption, illness, and over 300,000 deaths (source: GOOGLE). Due to restrictive mandates to slow the spread of the virus, the congregation has not gathered in the sanctuary for worship since Sunday, March 15, 2020. During those two months, Pastor White has incorporated alternative methods of worship and fellowship via conference calls, parking lot worship, etc., in order to keep the congregation focused on God our Father, Christ our Redeemer, The Holy Spirit our Comforter, and Mankind our Family. His sermons have focused on reminding the congregation to pray without ceasing and “remain faithful in a dark place,” while looking forward to God’s deliverance in His time. For the 131st Anniversary Service in cars in the Church parking lot, Pastor White’s sermon title and text were:

“THIS TOO SHALL PASS” - Deuteronomy 28:1

And it shall come to pass if thou shall hearken diligently unto the voice of the Lord thy God, to observe and to do all his commandments which I command thee this day that the Lord thy God will set thee on high above all nations of the earth.

The members look forward to many more years of serving God as a Congregation at this blessed location that has been consecrated and dedicated to God.

To God be the Glory! 3


Three Pastors Who Served Prior to church entering the South Alabama Conference:

Reverend W. L. Lewis (First Pastor)

Reverend S. Griffin

Reverend Hillard

1914 - W. M. Pyles (Host - South Alabama Conference was organized at Johns Chapel)

1914-1916 J.S. King

1916-1917 T.J. Steward

1917-1921 H.T. Coleman 1921-1924 A. A. Davis

1924-1927 W. H. Hightower

1927-1930 W. D. Hargrove

1930-1931 M. C. Miles

1931-1932 R. W. Hilson

1932-1934 M. G. Dickerson

1934-1936 J. C. Jarrett

1940-1946 M. C. Crosky

1946-1948 H. T. Coleman

1948-1949 N. J. Hunt

1949-1954 E. H. Patterson

1936 W. B. Mosley

1938 R.L. Upshaw

1954 H. T. Coleman 1954-1956 S. D. Parker


1956-1966 E. V. Burkett

1966-1978 J. F. McCloud

1978-1986 R. E. Peters

1987-1988 R. G. Balthrope

1988-1990 G. W. Curry

1990-1992 Walter Sumlin

1992-1997 C. A Guice

1997-2003 T. W. Parker

2003-2005 Carl McDaniel

2005-2009 Tony C. Scott

2009-2014 Vernon McLeod

2014 Andrew T. Holtz, Jr. (Interim)

2014-2018 Trevor E. Woolridge

2018- Present Willie White, Jr.

Compiled from previous documents and updated as of May 17, 2020by Marge Simmons, Christian Education Director

(assigned September 20, 2014). Presiding Elder Guice also served as pastor of Johns Chapel from 1992-1997 and led the church in a Jubilee Season with many advances in the congregation, both spiritual and temporal. Our current Presiding Elder is Reverend Johnny Rutledge, and our current Presiding Prelate is Bishop Harry L. Seawright, who was appointed to the 9th Episcopal District in 2016 at the General Conference in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

The church family strongly feels that God has smiled on Johns Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Church down through the years. Over 30 pastors have served at Johns Chapel, with Reverend J. F. McCloud serving the longest tenure of 12 years. The current pastor, The Reverend Willie White, Jr., was appointed November 3, 2018 and oversees some 30 ministries in the church. Pastor White is focused on bringing the members of the Body of Christ together and then leading them to greater heights. He is consistently positive and leads by the example of Christ. He has a constant smile an encouraging word, and wants to keep the Church vibrant, fun and effective. He has a particular love for youth and is a Spiritually charismatic leader who has a goal of leading Johns Chapel to be all that God intends her to be. He takes advantage of all available methods to win souls to Christ, e.g., traditional evangelism methods such as personal contact, class leader system, etc., as well as social media, texts, and e-mails. At this writing, 18 months since his appointment, the church has grown by leaps and bounds in Spirituality and Unity, as well as Numerically in new members and guests. Since his arrival, the church has purchased a 24-passenger bus, completed extensive ceiling repair in the sanctuary, initiated several new and productive ministries, established on-line giving opportunities, as well as many other accomplishments in the name of the Lord.

Through the years, Church Anniversary Celebrations have focused on the art of Storytelling, singing, bonding of generations, and sharing our history with our children, ensuring that it is passed down to future generations. At this writing, many of those celebration venues & events cannot be experienced due to the Coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic, a virus that has caused unprecedented worldwide disruption, illness, and over 300,000 deaths (source: GOOGLE). Due to restrictive mandates to slow the spread of the virus, the congregation has not gathered in the sanctuary for worship since Sunday, March 15, 2020. During those two months, Pastor White has incorporated alternative methods of worship and fellowship via conference calls, parking lot worship, etc., in order to keep the congregation focused on God our Father, Christ our Redeemer, The Holy Spirit our Comforter, and Mankind our Family. His sermons have focused on reminding the congregation to pray without ceasing and “remain faithful in a dark place,” while looking forward to God’s deliverance in His time. For the 131st Anniversary Service in cars in the Church parking lot, Pastor White’s sermon title and text were:

“THIS TOO SHALL PASS” - Deuteronomy 28:1

And it shall come to pass if thou shall hearken diligently unto the voice of the Lord thy God, to observe and to do all his commandments which I command thee this day that the Lord thy God will set thee on high above all nations of the earth.

The members look forward to many more years of serving God as a Congregation at this blessed location that has been consecrated and dedicated to God.

To God be the Glory! 3


Three Pastors Who Served Prior to church entering the South Alabama Conference:

Reverend W. L. Lewis (First Pastor)

Reverend S. Griffin

Reverend Hillard

1914 - W. M. Pyles (Host - South Alabama Conference was organized at Johns Chapel)

1914-1916 J.S. King

1916-1917 T.J. Steward

1917-1921 H.T. Coleman 1921-1924 A. A. Davis

1924-1927 W. H. Hightower

1927-1930 W. D. Hargrove

1930-1931 M. C. Miles

1931-1932 R. W. Hilson

1932-1934 M. G. Dickerson

1934-1936 J. C. Jarrett

1940-1946 M. C. Crosky

1946-1948 H. T. Coleman

1948-1949 N. J. Hunt

1949-1954 E. H. Patterson

1936 W. B. Mosley

1938 R.L. Upshaw

1954 H. T. Coleman 1954-1956 S. D. Parker


1956-1966 E. V. Burkett

1966-1978 J. F. McCloud

1978-1986 R. E. Peters

1987-1988 R. G. Balthrope

1988-1990 G. W. Curry

1990-1992 Walter Sumlin

1992-1997 C. A Guice

1997-2003 T. W. Parker

2003-2005 Carl McDaniel

2005-2009 Tony C. Scott

2009-2014 Vernon McLeod

2014 Andrew T. Holtz, Jr. (Interim)

2014-2018 Trevor E. Woolridge

2018- Present Willie White, Jr.

Compiled from previous documents and updated as of May 17, 2020by Marge Simmons, Christian Education Director

(assigned September 20, 2014). Presiding Elder Guice also served as pastor of Johns Chapel from 1992-1997 and led the church in a Jubilee Season with many advances in the congregation, both spiritual and temporal. Our current Presiding Elder is Reverend Johnny Rutledge, and our current Presiding Prelate is Bishop Harry L. Seawright, who was appointed to the 9th Episcopal District in 2016 at the General Conference in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

The church family strongly feels that God has smiled on Johns Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Church down through the years. Over 30 pastors have served at Johns Chapel, with Reverend J. F. McCloud serving the longest tenure of 12 years. The current pastor, The Reverend Willie White, Jr., was appointed November 3, 2018 and oversees some 30 ministries in the church. Pastor White is focused on bringing the members of the Body of Christ together and then leading them to greater heights. He is consistently positive and leads by the example of Christ. He has a constant smile an encouraging word, and wants to keep the Church vibrant, fun and effective. He has a particular love for youth and is a Spiritually charismatic leader who has a goal of leading Johns Chapel to be all that God intends her to be. He takes advantage of all available methods to win souls to Christ, e.g., traditional evangelism methods such as personal contact, class leader system, etc., as well as social media, texts, and e-mails. At this writing, 18 months since his appointment, the church has grown by leaps and bounds in Spirituality and Unity, as well as Numerically in new members and guests. Since his arrival, the church has purchased a 24-passenger bus, completed extensive ceiling repair in the sanctuary, initiated several new and productive ministries, established on-line giving opportunities, as well as many other accomplishments in the name of the Lord.

Through the years, Church Anniversary Celebrations have focused on the art of Storytelling, singing, bonding of generations, and sharing our history with our children, ensuring that it is passed down to future generations. At this writing, many of those celebration venues & events cannot be experienced due to the Coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic, a virus that has caused unprecedented worldwide disruption, illness, and over 300,000 deaths (source: GOOGLE). Due to restrictive mandates to slow the spread of the virus, the congregation has not gathered in the sanctuary for worship since Sunday, March 15, 2020. During those two months, Pastor White has incorporated alternative methods of worship and fellowship via conference calls, parking lot worship, etc., in order to keep the congregation focused on God our Father, Christ our Redeemer, The Holy Spirit our Comforter, and Mankind our Family. His sermons have focused on reminding the congregation to pray without ceasing and “remain faithful in a dark place,” while looking forward to God’s deliverance in His time. For the 131st Anniversary Service in cars in the Church parking lot, Pastor White’s sermon title and text were:

“THIS TOO SHALL PASS” - Deuteronomy 28:1

And it shall come to pass if thou shall hearken diligently unto the voice of the Lord thy God, to observe and to do all his commandments which I command thee this day that the Lord thy God will set thee on high above all nations of the earth.

The members look forward to many more years of serving God as a Congregation at this blessed location that has been consecrated and dedicated to God.

To God be the Glory! 3


Three Pastors Who Served Prior to church entering the South Alabama Conference:

Reverend W. L. Lewis (First Pastor)

Reverend S. Griffin

Reverend Hillard

1914 - W. M. Pyles (Host - South Alabama Conference was organized at Johns Chapel)

1914-1916 J.S. King

1916-1917 T.J. Steward

1917-1921 H.T. Coleman 1921-1924 A. A. Davis

1924-1927 W. H. Hightower

1927-1930 W. D. Hargrove

1930-1931 M. C. Miles

1931-1932 R. W. Hilson

1932-1934 M. G. Dickerson

1934-1936 J. C. Jarrett

1940-1946 M. C. Crosky

1946-1948 H. T. Coleman

1948-1949 N. J. Hunt

1949-1954 E. H. Patterson

1936 W. B. Mosley

1938 R.L. Upshaw

1954 H. T. Coleman 1954-1956 S. D. Parker


1956-1966 E. V. Burkett

1966-1978 J. F. McCloud

1978-1986 R. E. Peters

1987-1988 R. G. Balthrope

1988-1990 G. W. Curry

1990-1992 Walter Sumlin

1992-1997 C. A Guice

1997-2003 T. W. Parker

2003-2005 Carl McDaniel

2005-2009 Tony C. Scott

2009-2014 Vernon McLeod

2014 Andrew T. Holtz, Jr. (Interim)

2014-2018 Trevor E. Woolridge

2018- Present Willie White, Jr.

Compiled from previous documents and updated as of May 17, 2020by Marge Simmons, Christian Education Director

(assigned September 20, 2014). Presiding Elder Guice also served as pastor of Johns Chapel from 1992-1997 and led the church in a Jubilee Season with many advances in the congregation, both spiritual and temporal. Our current Presiding Elder is Reverend Johnny Rutledge, and our current Presiding Prelate is Bishop Harry L. Seawright, who was appointed to the 9th Episcopal District in 2016 at the General Conference in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

The church family strongly feels that God has smiled on Johns Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Church down through the years. Over 30 pastors have served at Johns Chapel, with Reverend J. F. McCloud serving the longest tenure of 12 years. The current pastor, The Reverend Willie White, Jr., was appointed November 3, 2018 and oversees some 30 ministries in the church. Pastor White is focused on bringing the members of the Body of Christ together and then leading them to greater heights. He is consistently positive and leads by the example of Christ. He has a constant smile an encouraging word, and wants to keep the Church vibrant, fun and effective. He has a particular love for youth and is a Spiritually charismatic leader who has a goal of leading Johns Chapel to be all that God intends her to be. He takes advantage of all available methods to win souls to Christ, e.g., traditional evangelism methods such as personal contact, class leader system, etc., as well as social media, texts, and e-mails. At this writing, 18 months since his appointment, the church has grown by leaps and bounds in Spirituality and Unity, as well as Numerically in new members and guests. Since his arrival, the church has purchased a 24-passenger bus, completed extensive ceiling repair in the sanctuary, initiated several new and productive ministries, established on-line giving opportunities, as well as many other accomplishments in the name of the Lord.

Through the years, Church Anniversary Celebrations have focused on the art of Storytelling, singing, bonding of generations, and sharing our history with our children, ensuring that it is passed down to future generations. At this writing, many of those celebration venues & events cannot be experienced due to the Coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic, a virus that has caused unprecedented worldwide disruption, illness, and over 300,000 deaths (source: GOOGLE). Due to restrictive mandates to slow the spread of the virus, the congregation has not gathered in the sanctuary for worship since Sunday, March 15, 2020. During those two months, Pastor White has incorporated alternative methods of worship and fellowship via conference calls, parking lot worship, etc., in order to keep the congregation focused on God our Father, Christ our Redeemer, The Holy Spirit our Comforter, and Mankind our Family. His sermons have focused on reminding the congregation to pray without ceasing and “remain faithful in a dark place,” while looking forward to God’s deliverance in His time. For the 131st Anniversary Service in cars in the Church parking lot, Pastor White’s sermon title and text were:

“THIS TOO SHALL PASS” - Deuteronomy 28:1

And it shall come to pass if thou shall hearken diligently unto the voice of the Lord thy God, to observe and to do all his commandments which I command thee this day that the Lord thy God will set thee on high above all nations of the earth.

The members look forward to many more years of serving God as a Congregation at this blessed location that has been consecrated and dedicated to God.

To God be the Glory! 3


Three Pastors Who Served Prior to church entering the South Alabama Conference:

Reverend W. L. Lewis (First Pastor)

Reverend S. Griffin

Reverend Hillard

1914 - W. M. Pyles (Host - South Alabama Conference was organized at Johns Chapel)

1914-1916 J.S. King

1916-1917 T.J. Steward

1917-1921 H.T. Coleman 1921-1924 A. A. Davis

1924-1927 W. H. Hightower

1927-1930 W. D. Hargrove

1930-1931 M. C. Miles

1931-1932 R. W. Hilson

1932-1934 M. G. Dickerson

1934-1936 J. C. Jarrett

1940-1946 M. C. Crosky

1946-1948 H. T. Coleman

1948-1949 N. J. Hunt

1949-1954 E. H. Patterson

1936 W. B. Mosley

1938 R.L. Upshaw

1954 H. T. Coleman 1954-1956 S. D. Parker


1956-1966 E. V. Burkett

1966-1978 J. F. McCloud

1978-1986 R. E. Peters

1987-1988 R. G. Balthrope

1988-1990 G. W. Curry

1990-1992 Walter Sumlin

1992-1997 C. A Guice

1997-2003 T. W. Parker

2003-2005 Carl McDaniel

2005-2009 Tony C. Scott

2009-2014 Vernon McLeod

2014 Andrew T. Holtz, Jr. (Interim)

2014-2018 Trevor E. Woolridge

2018- Present Willie White, Jr.

Compiled from previous documents and updated as of May 17, 2020by Marge Simmons, Christian Education Director